Round edge cookie cutter

Round Edge Cookie Cutter – Construction and 3D print

Ring is ring? One could think so. But it is not that simple. A simple ring didn’t solve my problems. I needed a cookie cutter that didn’t reflect the imprint in my palm after 10 times. The size of the ring and the shape of the edge to cut out were also important to me. After a long discussion with my partner, my ambition was awakened to construct a painless and well-functioning cookie cutter. The STL files for a round edge cookie cutter with diameter 100mm and 80mm can be found at the end of the blog post.

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round edge cookie cutter ausstecher nerd corner

What do you need this round edge cookie cutter for?

Pizzetti, biscuits, cookies, ravioli and tortellini. They all have one thing in common: You have to cut out the dough first. If you have a large amount to cut out, then the edge of the cookie cutter always annoyed me. After 10 gouges I already had an imprint on my hand!

That’s why I searched the Internet for a pleasant, rounded surface. Unfortunately I only found “special shapes” like clouds, Yoda or unicorns. It was difficult to find such a simple round shape for pizzini at all. And of course the few I found were without rounded surfaces!

round edge cookie cutter

3D construction of the round edge cookie cutter

I always design my components in SolidWorks. At the beginning, the question generally arises with which features I create the construction. There are several possibilities that lead to the same result. As is well known, many roads lead to Rome.

Since the ring is a relatively simple component, I came up with the idea of trying 2 ways to construct the ring to find out which way is faster or more effective.

Way 1:

For me, the first way is the classic way. The component is built up layer by layer, then chamfered or rounded. That is why the feature comes first at SolidWorks. However, this feature can be very uncomfortable with turned parts if there are undercuts.

Way 2:

Because of the undercuts, there is also a SolidWorks feature boss / base revolved for the second way. This is an effective feature for complicated turned parts. Unfortunately you always have to define a central axis.

In the end, I was surprised that route number one was faster. But both ways led to my dream cookie cutter, which is now in use in our kitchen several times a week.

My conclusion

At a first glance, it just seems like a round circle. But it’s by far the best cookie cutter I’ve ever used! I have already been able to get some family members excited about this construction. In the meantime I have developed 2 sizes and I am in a lot of stress because someone always wants to have the shape printed.

Download files:


2 thoughts on “Round Edge Cookie Cutter – Construction and 3D print

  1. Hello, I enjoy reading your articles. I thought I write you a nice positive comment, so that you keep up the good work 🙂

    I’m waiting for your next post! Maybe something with Raspberry Pi would be cool?

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